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coaching-lab, coaching for creative professionals
Facing a blank page
looking for answers...


You can be an architect, as I am, a designer, an engineer. But also, a creative manager or director, a chef, a photographer …. you name it.

These professions are very different for many reasons, but they do have one thing in common. Creativity.


Working using creativity is an opportunity, but it also requires time an energy that, more and more often, lead to individual and / or team issues, such as:



You pushed and you pushed. For months and months. For years. For decades maybe. Until you start asking yourself WHY? WHAT’S THE POINT? Looking around yourself, you wonder whether all that time spent pretty much 100% focused on your job, was actually worth it? In your mind there’s no other way to do your job, it’s a “mission”, people told you. So, what now?


If the questioning doesn’t find answers early enough, those doubts can, over time, translate in much serious trouble, up to depression. Moreover, physical symptoms (muscles pain, headaches, lack of breath) may appear. They are the result of years of compromises on healthy habits (exercise, sleep, right food,..), but are also symptoms of exhaustion.


From the certainties of when you started your studies, years later, you suddenly find yourself with nothing left -- surely not the energy required to rebuild something. What do I want? How do I see myself in 10 years? What motivates me? Those are all questions that become more and more difficult to answer to. Not being able to properly answer to them is a clear symptom of an issue that needs to be addressed, sooner rather than later.

Whether it's about changing the way you work, learning tools, looking for alternatives or rediscovering your motivation, we will be able to guide you and help you achieve the professional life you aspire to.


Some factors can’t be controlled by the single individuals (business strategy, business culture, other’s inputs,..). However, each individual has the power to improve his/her own working method in order to fulfil his/her needs along with the job requirements. Feeling and being in charge of its own time and achievements is essential to feel also in control of its own life.


Well-being is the keyword here. Each person gives its own meaning to it, but what is important is not to forget about what allows one to feel good. Whether it’s about exercising, traveling, time socialising or time alone, ... taking that time is not a futile vice, but rather a priority for out health, as well as a requirement to achieve our professional goals. As a battery that needs to be regularly charged to be functional, people also need those recharging moments. On the contrary, once the battery is drained, simply recharging it will not be enough anymore.


Generally these subjects relate to both professional and personal aspects, especially for those passionate and in creative fields. Imagine having to start working on a project without knowing anything about it (what’s for, where it is, why it’s needed,... nothing). How would you feel? Lost at the very least, I’d say. Same applies to our lives and, in order to have purpose and motivation again, everything starts by going back to basics (priorities, values, dreams,...). Easier said than done, but also life changing.


Some real cases of CREATIVE PROFESSIONALS who decided to ask for guidance


C. is a project architect. She wanted to be more efficient and to better manage her time and work, as well as those of her team. She wanted to create practical tools that she could easily use in her everyday life. After few coaching sessions, she went back to work with tools for productivity, time management, people management and a few routines to make her day more enjoyable. She’s now enjoying her day at work and has more time for her family.

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