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coaching-lab, coaching for creative professionals


A change implies that certain actions are carried out in order for the change to take place.

 The coaching process is structured in 3 main phases:



Same as for any design project, you can't start it without knowing what you're working towards and the available resources and constraints. This first step includes a double exploration: 1. The clarification of your authentic final goal, your objective. It may be more or less clear, but its identification and definition are essential for the progression of coaching. 2. The re-discovery of your values, qualities, ambitions, visions, fears, resources. What makes yourself unique. Who do you want to be? This exploration will allow you to understand where you are and start feeling again in charge of your life.



Now you know what the project is about and what you can work with. But how to get there? Which options and tools do you need to consider and difficulties you need too overcome to achieve the best result? It is now time to face what it is stopping you from achieving it. It can be about: - (re)awakening motivations - (re)awakening our courage - facing your fears - (re)conquering your self-esteem - feeling yours ourself - find the best practical strategy  & tools for you - release your creativity - unblock some preconceived ideas - clarify your limits and possibilities - ... and much more! It is in this phase that you will prepare for your change.



"A goal without a plan is just a wish." There's only one final design based on the choices you make and the strategy you decide the follow.  It's time to take action! Knowing your goal, being aware of your resources and how to unlock your potential, you will now "design" the best strategy to move from theory and imagination to action. There isn't a magic wand: you are unique and your strategy will be unique to yourself and tailored to your needs.


The full process can be seen in creative terms and broken down into 6 steps




You can’t start working on a project without knowing what it is for. Even when there’s no precise program, there’s a general brief, an objective to aim for. The WHY? WHAT FOR?


For your personal project,

what’s the goal?




Exploring the available resources is what helps you to identify the path to follow: the site, the people, the program, the aim, hide behind them the secret added value to the final project. You just have to uncover it.


What are your resources ?




You know what’s your objective and you know the resources at your disposal to get there. It’s time to open-up to the imagination and creativity, to think. What’s the concept? What will be like at the end?


How do you picture yourself and your life once your goal will be achieved?




Back to reality. It’s time to face the limitations, obstacles and difficulties (site, law, people, cost, …). However, are they really “problems”, or do they rather help to shape the project? How would you feel dealing with a project with NO boundaries at all?


What’s stopping you today? Are they actual obstacles? And if they were opportunities instead?




It’s action time. You have a concept in mind, you know your available resources and your limitations. You can start sketching, then draw, choose materials and even plan a step-by-step program to get it built/done.


Knowing all that you’ve learned so far, what’s the best strategy to move forward?




Everything is ready: time to build/make it. Where do you start from? Why do you actually choose to do it in one way rather than another?


What’s the first step you choose to take?

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